Local Beauty Spots
Chris Warren is a well known photographer who happens to be one of my badminton buddies!
Over many years he has been recording the beauty of this part of the world in some wonderful photos. His work is much loved and very well known and I appreciate too the way his photos capture the amazing variation we get in the local landscapes. His work has taken in landscapes throughout Wales, France and Fuerteventura. While his website is being refreshed you can contact Chris on 07866 458281
Laugharne which is just a few miles away rarely gets snow! It is definitely a Local Beauty Spot! Visitors come from far and wide to see Laugharne, its Castle and of course the Dylan Thomas Boat House. This is one of the places nearly all visitors staying here at Old Oak Barn visit and is such a tranquil place for a wander.
All the photos here are copyright Chris Warren but can be bought from him at very reasonable rates.
01994 230516 or 07787 148884
Old Oak Barn, St Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4DS. UK